% !TEX TS-program = lualatex - % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 % This is a template for a LuaLaTeX document using gregorio scores. \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} % use larger type; default would be 10pt % usual packages loading: \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options \usepackage{gregoriotex} % for gregorio score inclusion \usepackage{fullpage} % to reduce the margins \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{color} \definecolor{Blue}{rgb}{0.3,0.3,0.9} % here we begin the document \begin{document} \newcommand{\red}[1]{\textcolor{red}{#1}} \newcommand{\black}[1]{\textcolor{black}{#1}} \newcommand{\cent}[1]{\begin{center}{#1}\end{center}} \newcommand{\links}[1]{\begin{flushleft}{#1}\end{flushleft}} \input AnnSton.fd% see LaTeX fonts \input Acorn.fd \newcommand*\initfamily{\usefont{U}{Acorn}{xl}{n}} \newcommand*\yourfont{\usefont{U}{AnnSton}{xl}{n}} % The title: % Here we set the space around the initial. \grechangedim{beforeinitialshift}{3.2mm}{scalable} \grechangedim{afterinitialshift}{3.2mm}{scalable} % Here we set the initial font. Change 43 if you want a bigger initial. \grechangestyle{initial}{\initfamily\fontsize{36}{36}\selectfont\color{red}\relax} \newcommand{\yourf}{\yourfont\fontsize{24}{24}\selectfont\color{red}\relax }% \gresetgregoriofont[op]{greciliae} \gresetinitiallines{1} %we can replace the initial by a picture --> \greillumination{\includegraphics[width=14ex]{Vstar}}%Vstar.jpg must be in your map \grechangestaffsize{19} \gresetlinecolor{Blue} \gresetnabcfont{gregall}{14} \links{\small\textbf{Co.}\red{V}\black{idimus stellam}} \bigskip \cent{\LARGE\textbf{\begin{yourf}\red{C}\end{yourf}\black ommunio Vidimus stellam}} % We set II above the initial. \greannotation{\small \textsc{\textbf{Co - IV}}} \links\black{\small GN.46 : Epiphania Domini} % We type a text in the top right corner of the score: \grecommentary[10mm]{\emph{Cf. Mt. 2, 2}} % and finally we include the score. The file must be in the same directory as this one. \gregorioscore[a]{vidimus} \cent{\scriptsize\textbf Wij zagen zijn ster in het oosten en wij kwamen met geschenken om de Heer te aanbidden.} \cent{\greseparator{2}{20}} \end{document}