Template alleluia voor gregoriotex

Partituur met gregoriotex

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex - % !TEX encoding = UTF-8

% This is a template for a LuaLaTeX document using gregorio scores.

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}% default would be 10pt

% usual packages loading:


\usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options

\usepackage{gregoriotex} % for gregorio score inclusion

\usepackage{fullpage} % to reduce the margins




% here we begin the document






\input AnnSton.fd

\input Acorn.fd



% The title:

% Here we set the space around the initial.



% Here we set the initial font. Change 43 if you want a bigger initial.



\gresetbarspacing{new} %%ipv gresetbarspacing{old}

\grechangedim{maxbaroffsettextleft}{0 cm}{scalable}%






\cent{\begin{yourfont}\Large\red{A}\end{yourfont}\Large\black{lleluia Omnes gentes}}

% We set I above the initial.

%\gresetlastline{justified}%if usefull

\greannotation{\small{\textbf{Al - I}}}

\links{\black\small GT 298, Tempus per annum}

% We type a text in the top right corner of the score:



% and finally we include the score*; indicate map/* if necessary


